Homebuyer Dream Program® Suite
Dreaming of buying your first home? You may be eligible for up to $30,000 toward your down payment or closing costs.
Invest in your future today! Limited funding is available to those who qualify.
There are three programs that may suit your needs.
Program Parameters
Income Limits
Homebuyer Minimum Contribution
5-year Retention Period
Account Name: Homebuyer Dream Program
Program Parameters: First-time homebuyer
Income Limits: 80% or less of area median income
Homebuyer Minimum Contribution: $1,000
5-year Retention Period: Regulatory requirement
Account Name: Homebuyer Dream Program Plus
Program Parameters: First-time homebuyer
Income Limits: 80% or more of area median income; not to exceed 120%
Homebuyer Minimum Contribution: $1,000
5-year Retention Period:Not required
Account Name: Homebuyer Dream Program Wealth Builder
Program Parameters: First-time homebuyer; must either reside in a minority census tract or qualify
as a first-generation homebuyer
Income Limits: 120% or less of area median income
Homebuyer Minimum Contribution: $1,000
5-year Retention Period: Not required
For all programs:
- Must be an owner-occupied primary residence. One- to four-unit dwelling, townhouses, condominiums, manufactured
housing affixed to a permanent foundation.
- All recipients are required to complete a homebuyer counseling program.
Could this program help you realize your dream? Contact one of our Mortgage
to get started today.
Subject to availability of funding from the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York.
Subject to credit qualification.