Business Remote Deposit | Saratoga National Bank

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Your to-do list just got shorter.

SCAN CHECKS without leaving the office

Business Remote Deposit

With Business Remote Deposit, you can deposit checks electronically from your desktop!

Easy, Secure Deposits 24/7

Business Remote Deposit utilizes a desktop scanner that connects to your PC and the Internet. With it, you can scan checks received from customers and issue deposits electronically to the Bank, anytime day or night.

It’s a great, secure way to improve your cash flow. Use it to:

  • Make Deposits Anytime
  • Consolidate Funds from Remote Locations
  • Save Time Preparing Deposits
  • Cut Costly Courier Fees
  • Generate Reports

To get started, you’ll need an account with us and a PC with high-speed Internet. Please contact us for more details or to sign up for Business Remote Deposit today!


For more information on Business Remote Deposit, call us today at (518) 793-4121.